The American Association of University Women: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
Have you heard of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) before? The AAUW is a national organization of college educated women, focusing on gender equality. Womens rights have come a long way, but much work remains to be done.
For instance, did you know that there is still a massive pay gap in the United States? For every $1 that a man earns, a woman earns just $0.83. This gap widens even more for women of color, with Black women earning just $0.63 to a non-hispanic white man’s dollar.
By offering career counseling, negotiation skill building, and leadership training for women, the AAUW seeks to change this pay gap one person at a time.
"We’ve led the fight for fair pay and economic opportunity for women — and the battle continues: Women still get just 83 cents for every dollar paid to a man, and men continue to dominate the top roles and highest-paying professions."
The pay gap is only one of many issues the AAUW is working to change. The organization also focuses on increasing access to education for women and girls by providing scholarships, helping mothers find the resources they need to return to the workforce postpartum if desired, and ensuring women know what to save for retirement.
Our local Santa Cruz chapter, run by chapter president Mary Ripma and a team of incredible volunteers, also works to assist victims of human trafficking, who are most often (but not always) women.
Beyond social justice work, this is an incredible and supportive network of women to be part of. It’s a chance to connect with other like-minded women through shared interests, whether it’s fighting for social justice issues or joining a “lunch bunch”, book club, or walking group. If you are interested in joining the organization or learning more about what they offer, you can learn more about membership on the AAUW Santa Cruz website.
“AAUW membership is a great way to connect and make an impact on issues in the wider world and to socialize with other women who have had the chance to be educated.”
- Mary Ripma, President of the AAUW Santa Cruz Chapter
With back-to-school season starting up again, now is a great time to support the AAUW so they can continue to help women succeed academically through scholarships, grants, and fellowships.
Here are their top three worthy causes that would love your support:
Tech Trek, benefits Junior high school-age girls
Local Scholarships, assists college-age women
End Human Trafficking, works to prevent the exploitation of women.
Donations can be made online, and your donation can be divided among the 3 or earmarked for one select cause of your choosing.